[Callers] Leading a 1 hr contra dance

Rich Sbardella richsbardella at gmail.com
Fri Mar 29 08:02:41 PDT 2019


In a one hour gig with lots of newbies, I would suggest not using any
progressive contras.  There are too many fun dances that usr similar basics
without the complication of progression.

I have been hired to call such contra dances, but found the most success
calling dances likes "Rakes of Mallow", La Bastringue, Rural Felicity, Heel
& Toe Polka, etc.  Few people in the crowd understand what a "modern"
contra dance is, they just want to move to the music.

Rich Sbardella
Stafford, CT

On Fri, Mar 29, 2019 at 10:05 AM Casey Carr via Callers <
callers at lists.sharedweight.net> wrote:

> I would also start with a circle - teach giving weight, hand holds, 8
> counts.  Might teach La Bastringue (keeping partners and 2 hand turn
> instead of swing).   I would definitely not teach swings in an hour - no
> ladies chains.   Just circles, stars, allemandes, dos si dos.
> Depending on the crowd could start with Gallopede or Virginia Reel, then
> Family Contra would be perfect and end with another simple contra.
> Casey Carr
> On 3/29/2019 8:52 AM, Liz Burkhart via Callers wrote:
> I have a gig coming up at a library wherein I have one hour to teach and
> call contra dances. It's a mixed crowd, and I heard there may be a lot of
> tweens present. I think I'd like to focus on bigger picture things - moving
> up and down the line, swinging, interacting with their set. I imagine I may
> even cut out courtesy turns in order to minimize the time we spend on the
> lesson. I've taught for small, mostly inexperienced crowds before but I
> usually have a lot more time. I'd really rather get them moving than to get
> bogged down in teaching. Does anyone have insight, suggestions, or advice?
> Thanks,
> Liz Burkhart
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