[Callers] New(?) dance, transitions?

Luke Donforth luke.donev at gmail.com
Tue Mar 5 12:37:21 PST 2019

Thanks for the feedback, and for giving it a shot!

I'll look into teasing out those transitions and possibly putting them in
separate dances. I'm not a huge fan of chain->swing; although the gyre
there would make it more forgiving.
B2 could be "ladies chain->left hand star 1x" or "circle left 3 places,
balance, pass through". Both of those are pretty common transitions for B2.

A slightly more unusual sequence for B2 that shares the work a bit more
would be gents chain across (pull by left), gents start 1/2 hey by left
shoulder. I think that would require an extra large loop at the end of the
hey to flow into the gyre. Could just be a balance at the A1 though.

Not sure how I'd feel about two different half heys (one by rights in the
middle, one by lefts) in a dance that's already got unusual things going

But thank you again all for kicking it around with me.

On Tue, Mar 5, 2019 at 1:46 AM QuiAnn2 <quiann2 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi, Luke (and others)!
> Jeremy Korr called this on Saturday night and I danced it as a Lady/Raven
> with a partner who was not a switcher so I can comment on it as a Lady
> dancer but not from the Gents/Larks perspective.
> I generally liked the dance. The flow was good and it was nice to have
> different types of transitions. The promenade=>see saw=>1/2 was a very fun
> series. From the time that Jeremy described that series to me during the
> break until the time that he called it in the 2nd half, I was very much
> looking forward to trying it out, and it was great! The A1 N Rt Sh Round to
> a swing worked well coming out of the ladies’ allemande because we had to
> walk a couple of steps to get to our next N. It was good to have fuzzy
> timing there rather than a B&Sw, otherwise we would have had to take big
> steps or run a bit.
> Some areas for improvement are that it felt to me like the ladies were
> doing a lot of the work with the DSD and the allemande, which are both
> unassisted figures where you’re fighting against rotational pull as opposed
> to a chain which is all forward movement with an assist from the courtesy
> turn. I couldn’t switch roles to test it but a N lady (who knew this was a
> test dance) independently said to me “the ladies are doing a lot of work”.
> Also, both times the ladies approach each other (in the A2 and the B2),
> they are effectively coming out of a swing (if we can agree that LLF&B is
> neutral) and walking towards each other with the left shoulder leading so
> you had to think “Is this the DSD? Or is this the left allemande?"
> Just brainstorming here but maybe replace the ladies allem with a ladies
> chain in the B2? I know this takes away from the “new transitions” idea
> that you had but I think the “gem” of this dance is the A2 & B1 and the
> rest is gravy to support it.
> Jacqui Grennan
> On Mar 1, 2019, at 7:50 AM, Gregory Frock via Callers <
> callers at lists.sharedweight.net> wrote:
> Hi Luke,
> I think this is a great accessible dance. Flow is fine, and I actually
> feel that getting too much "rightward" muscle memory is not a good thing.
> Symmetry is better for our bodies in the long run. So FWIW, thumbs up for
> me. And I will try it out at one of my next two gigs 3/8 or 3/13.
> Regards,
> Greg
> On Fri, Mar 1, 2019 at 10:00 AM Luke Donforth via Callers <
> callers at lists.sharedweight.net> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I was thinking about standard transitions; and how similar flows could
>> possibly be created while still adding variation to our dance diet.
>> Chain-> (1x or 1/2) hey -> balance and swing works well; but gyre & swing
>> doesn't work well there, because you've set up left shoulder at the end of
>> the hey.
>> allemande left -> (1x or 1/2) hey -> (gyre &) swing works reasonably,
>> because you've set up the other shoulder in the hey.
>> What about coming into the hey from a Sea-Saw? For instance:
>> Contra/Improper
>> A1 -----------
>> (16) Neighbor gyre and swing
>> A2 -----------
>> (8) Promenade across the Set
>> (8) Ladies Sea-Saw 1.5x
>> B1 -----------
>> (8) 1/2 Hey, ladies passing partner right shoulders
>> (8) Partner swing
>> B2 -----------
>> (8) Long lines, forward and back
>> (8) Ladies allemande Left 1-1/2
>> I think that flows well, but I don't have dancers to play with at the
>> moment. If anyone more used to dancing the traditional ladies roll wants to
>> talk about muscle memory and flow, I'd appreciate it. Would the sea saw and
>> left allemande just be too outside the realm of familiar to be fun?
>> Assuming this is a new composition that works, I'll call it Sinister
>> Ravens.
>> Thanks for your thoughts.
>> --
>> Luke Donforth
>> Luke.Donforth at gmail.com <Luke.Donev at gmail.com>
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Luke Donforth
Luke.Donforth at gmail.com <Luke.Donev at gmail.com>
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