[Callers] Calling a "box circulate"

Bill Olson callbill at hotmail.com
Mon Jan 7 09:34:24 PST 2019

Jonathan and all, Yep, here's a dance, NOMAD'S LAND, I composed in 1997, even by then *I*, at least, didn't have a name for the figure. Read the notes at the bottom..



From: Callers <callers-bounces at lists.sharedweight.net> on behalf of Jonathan Sivier via Callers <callers at lists.sharedweight.net>
Sent: Monday, January 7, 2019 5:26 PM
To: callers
Subject: Re: [Callers] Calling a "box circulate"

    Back in the 1980's, when I first encountered dances with this
figure, the term "Box Circulate" hadn't been coined as far as I know.
I've only been hearing that term fairly recently (which could easily be
10 years or more I suppose, I don't know when it was first used).  Back
then the term I heard most often for this figure was "Rotate".  The
original poster was asking for a term to use while calling that was a
bit less cumbersome than "Box Circulate" or even "Circulate".  Going
back to a more compact term used in the past seems like a reasonable idea.


On 1/7/2019 10:48 AM, John Sweeney via Callers wrote:
> If someone tells me to rotate then I will turn on the spot :-)
> The move is called Box Circulate.  It doesn't make sense to me to use
> "rotate" instead of "circulate".
> When you are calling then using instructions such as Men Cross, Ladies Turn
> (or just Circulate once they have got it) is obviously useful.
> One trick that I have seen at MWSD when teaching is to get everyone to look
> at the feet of the person whose place they are moving to.  You have to step
> into the footprints of that person, i.e. don't turn if you are moving
> forwards.
> I usually start with a circle left one place, then circle left one place
> without hands, then circle left one place following the person in front,
> then that again.  That gets them back to where they started and then I get
> them to make mini-waves (just two people) and teach the move.  But the idea
> of starting using stars instead of circles is good - I might try that next
> time.
> I also use this little dance to familiarise people with the move.  With just
> two couples in a set it is much easier to see where you are going!
> = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
> Little Boxes by John Sweeney
> Two Couples; Scatter Mixer
> A1:   Circle Left (your orientation when you stop is irrelevant)
>        Balance the Ring; Men Roll the Ladies (Partner) Right to Left with a
> Half Sashay
> A2:   Balance the Ring; Men Cross - don't turn - make Mini-Wave with
> Neighbour - Right hand to Right hand
>        Balance the Wave (F/B); Box Circulate CW
> B1:   Balance the Wave (F/B); Box Circulate CW
>        Neighbour Swing - this is your new Partner
> B2:   Promenade - find New Neighbours - make Circles of Four
> = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
> Note:  Balancing Forward & Back (rather than Right/Left) is much better for
> Box Circulates as it gives you the momentum for the forward movement.  With
> good momentum it is also much easier to throw in a spin as you cross the set
> :-).
>              Happy dancing,
>                     John
> John Sweeney, Dancer, England   john at modernjive.com 01233 625 362 & 07802
> 940 574
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