[Callers] Demolition Derby, a 4 Face 4 of dubious do-ability?

Don Veino sharedweight_net at veino.com
Fri Aug 17 23:22:47 PDT 2018

Earlier today, I resurrected a draft dance from (almost exactly) this time
last year which I'd put aside as probably being too crazy. In looking at it
again, I started wondering if it is... too crazy... and wrote up a more
specific description to get it across to others. The magnet people show me
it works, but they don't say much about how it felt. :-)

As I'm still up due to the caffeine I drank to drive home after a gig
tonight, I thought I'd type this up and throw it out there for input. Is it
too crazy? How would you teach the A2 if you attempted it?


Demolition Derby (DRAFT) - 4 Face 4 - Don Veino 20170823 (updated
description 20180817)

[starts in lines/4, so G1, L1, G2, L2]

A1 Give & Take up/down to Gents (opposites Swing) [ends in line/4 facing
up/down: G1, OpL2, G2, OpL1]

A2 "Crazy Eights" [Fig 8 in current lines/4 done a la a Mad Robin - all
trace path of a figure 8, equidistant rel. to Partner, whom you face
up/down in the other line/4]:
(3,1 or 4) Mad Robin CW 1/2x around opposite N you swung [G thru center
first], OpL1 pass in front of G1 in middle to swap ends [to OpL2, OpL1, G1,
(3,1 or 4) All Pass Same Role Trail Buddy in Fig 8 arc (same arc, but
opposite dir.) to trade places [G1 and OpL1 take outside path - "insides
out"], OpL2 pass in front of G2 in middle to swap ends [to OpL1, G2, OpL2,
(3,1 or 4) Mad Robin CCW 1/2x around opposite N [G thru center first], OpL1
pass in front of G1 in middle to swap ends [to G2, G1, OpL1, OpL2]
(3,1 or 4) All Pass Same Role Trail Buddy in Fig 8 arc (same arc, opposite
dir.) to trade places [G1 and OpL1 take outside path - "insides out"], OpL2
pass in front of G2 in middle to swap ends [to end in same positions as
start of A2: G1, OpL2, G2, OpL1]

B1 w/Opposites Circle/4 Left 3/4x to (face & Pass Partner Right to start)
Weave the Ring/8 1/2x

B2 Partner Balance (or Gypsy) and Swing, face progression

BTW, it was this dance idea that fed what became another related dance on
my site, Wild Mouse: http://veino.com/blog/?p=1879 . Neither of these have
I dared to attempt to date.
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