[Callers] Playing With Butterflies

Don Veino sharedweight_net at veino.com
Fri Apr 13 13:37:48 PDT 2018

Had a recent inspiration on a couple of Butterfly Whirl sequences - looking
for input on a few questions/options... opinions welcome!


Butterfly DRAFT 20180410.1 - 4 Face 4 - Don Veino
A1 LLF&B, Circle/8 RIGHT 1/2x
A2 Circle/4 Left 3/4x, Opposite N Swing [at Gent’s progressed home]
B1 (option A) Gents Star Left ~3/4x (to P)
P Star Promenade 1/4x [all at progressed home], Butterfly Whirl to face
 (option B) Opposite Gents Allemande Left 1+1/2x (to P)
P Star Promenade 1/2x [w/in opp. 4; to all at progr. home], Butterfly Whirl
to face up/down
B2 (option A) Ladies Star Right 1x (to P), P Swing & face progression
 (option B) Opposite Ladies Allemande Right 1x (to P), P Swing & face

- Option A, IMO, is more of a "real" 4 facing 4 - but I'm uncertain if the
timing will work? (Option B = bog standard timing.)
- Is there a strong argument for one option vs. the other - will dancers
care if the majority of the action is in 2-couple groups with opposites
rather than involving all 4 couples?
- Will there be a significant space problem when all 4 couples pass through
the center in B1 option B?

Butterfly DRAFT 20180410.2 - DI - Don Veino
A1 N Balance & Swing
A2 Gents Allemande Left 1+1/2x (Ladies left arm over P’s right as picked
P Star Promenade 1/2x, Butterfly Whirl CCW along set to next Ns*, stay
connected with P
B1 Ladies Catch RH, Star Promenade P 1/2x CW, Butterfly Whirl CW into P
Swing [on L’s home side]
B2 Ladies Chain, Half Hey (back to THIS N...)

End effects: re-enter in Butterfly hold with P (where/how depends upon
answer below)

*Question: I believe the butterfly shift could progress this dance forward
(whirl shift to right as face out) or reverse (shift left). I believe
reverse progression would flow/feel slightly better but forward progression
could be less confusing to dancers - which would be best?
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