[Callers] New (?) 4x4 contra

Rick Mohr rick at rickmohr.net
Tue Apr 3 19:27:19 PDT 2018

Nice idea. I've seen figures like the "hey through" in morris dances, and I
wouldn't be surprised if Scottish and English dances have a similar idea.

I think passing through the middle (with half of a left hand star) would
tend to take 4 beats rather than 2, so the figure would take 10 beats
rather than 8.

If the "X" is problematic it would work fine to start with lines of 4
forward and back, roll away, and dosido your "corner".

On Tue, Apr 3, 2018 at 9:04 PM, Luke Donforth via Callers <
callers at lists.sharedweight.net> wrote:

> Hello all,
> I was playing around with a new (?) composition; and since it's a 4x4,
> it's unlikely I'll get a house-party together to test it any time soon. I'd
> appreciate feedback on flow (would it work), timing (is it too much?) and
> how you'd teach it. I'm especially curious if something similar exists in
> the square dance repertoire; specifically the figure used in B1
> Tamlin's Cross
> Bent 4x4 (i.e. 4x4 formation, but with couples facing into the middle on
> an X, instead of straight up and down in lines of four)
> A1
> (4) All 8 go into the middle and shout
> (4) Gents roll partners away on the way out
> (8) Neighbor Do-Si-Do
> A2
> (16) Neighbor Balance and Swing (square the set and face in)
> B1
> (8) Gents left hands across star 1x
> (8) start passing neighbor you swung by right, all 8 half hey through,
> then turn away from neighbor you swung
> B2
> (16) Partner Balance and Swing
> End the swing facing new couple, having swapped sides with your
> trail-buddy couple
> For the half hey through, all 8 folks are moving at the same time. At the
> end of A2, there are couples in head and side position (nobody is with
> their partner). The heads are heying up and down, while the sides are
> heying across. When four people of the same role come into the middle, what
> would normally be a left shoulder pass is (in my mind's eye) half of a left
> hand star
> I look forward to hearing your thoughts.
> Thanks
> --
> Luke Donforth
> Luke.Donforth at gmail.com <Luke.Donev at gmail.com>
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