[Callers] 4 couple set Chorus Jig

Richard Fischer richardallenfischer at verizon.net
Wed Sep 13 21:05:40 PDT 2017

Hi Everyone,

Just reporting in on a variation on Chorus Jig that I composed inspired by the 4-couple dance below. I got to call it this evening and the dancers seemed to enjoy it. If you try it out, I'd love to hear from you!  Here's the dance:

Chorus Reel    Sicilian Circle    Richard Allen Fischer

 Formation: Duple Improper Circle. Ones facing CCW, Twos facing CW. Dance begins with Ones joining near hands while Twos stand normal distance apart.

 A1)  Everyone walks forward, Ones passing between Twos, two steps per pass, passing Neighbors 1, 2, 3, & 4; Swing Neighbor 5. End swing facing across to Partner

 A2)  In current group of four, Ladies dosido, Gents dosido [Use dosidos to adjust spacing.]

 B1)  All turn modified contra corners. Allemande R with Partner 3/4, allemande Same-Sex Neighbor (for Gents this is the one you dosido'd) L 1x, allemande Partner by R 1/2, allemande the other Same-Sex Neighbor by L 1x.

 B2)  All balance and swing Partner. End facing new neighbors in direction of progression, Ones with near hands joined, Twos separating a bit from partner.

 Suggested tune:  Chorus Jig!

Richard Fischer
Princeton, NJ

July 20, 2017

> On Jul 16, 2017, at 8:37 PM, Yoyo Zhou via Callers <callers at lists.sharedweight.net> wrote:
> Hi callers,
> I've been looking for a funky dance, a variation on Chorus Jig for 4 couples, alternating, everybody turns contra corners. Does anyone know who to thank for it?
> (I remember dancing it at one of the Monte Toyon camps (Spring Fever or Queer Contra Camp) but I can't remember which! For bonus points, I'd love to figure out whom I learned it from.)
> The dance goes like this:
> A1: top couple down the outside and back
> B1: top couple down the middle and back, cast off with 2s
> C: all turn contra corners in the middle
>     (All turn partner right 3/4, 1st corner left 1, parter right 1/2, 2nd corner left 1.
>      It looks like a wave of 8 down the middle.)
> B2: all balance and swing partner; end swing facing up (?)
> (? = Do you alternate facing up/down?)
> Then, every other time, alternate: the bottom couple goes up the set and casts off with the 3s. So the 1s and 2s just change places with each other, and the 3s and 4s change places with each other, and everyone has a turn.
> Thanks,
> Yoyo Zhou
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