[Callers] Balancing LEFT in a wave?

Mac Mckeever macmck at ymail.com
Wed Nov 8 12:16:57 PST 2017

sorry - I missed that you said the alle L followed the balance - in that case - I think the first bal should be left.  To bal R & then L and then turn by the left just sounds awkward.
Mac Mckeevr

    On Wednesday, November 8, 2017, 2:09:46 PM CST, Mac Mckeever <macmck at ymail.com> wrote:  
 It depends on what will happen after the balance
Can we see the rest of the dance?
Mac McKeever

    On Wednesday, November 8, 2017, 1:07:46 PM CST, Maia McCormick via Callers <callers at lists.sharedweight.net> wrote:  
 Recently called a dance with an allemande R into long waves, balance wave, allemande L. Because of personal preference, I taught the balance as "balance left, then right", but cuz I didn't teach it all that clearly, the dancers defaulted back into balancing right first, and enough tricky stuff was happening in the dance that I didn't wanna correct them in flight.
I'm just wondering: do others agree that a balance left makes more sense / flows better in this context, or is this a weird personal preference? In your opinion, does the flow of the balance left outweigh its potential unidiomaticness?
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