[Callers] Swing Like Thunder

Jonathan Sivier via Callers callers at lists.sharedweight.net
Wed Jun 14 10:23:24 PDT 2017

    Is there an index of dances on the Lloyd Shaw Foundation web site? 
I see to recall that there used to be one, but the link I had bookmarked 
no longer works with the new web site.

    I'm assuming that the Docey Doe in this dance isn't just a dos-a-do, 
but is a more complex set of movements.  I know I've done some similar 
figures in the past, but is there an explanation for this somewhere on 
the web site?

    Here is a version of the Basket Quadrille.  I think I got it from a 
Ralph Page book and modified it a bit.

Basket Quadrille
square (HS Keeper)

Head couples forward and back
Forward again and circle left
Change that ring to a basket swing
Right hand star (break that swing and star by the right)
Left hand star
Gents turn and swing the one behind
Everyone home and swing their own
Everyone promenade around the square

Do for the heads, then the sides

Final Figure:

Head 2 couples to the center and back
Side 2 couples to the center and back
All 8 circle left
All 8 basket swing
Break that swing and circle left
Swing your corner
Circle left
Swing your next corner
Circle left
Swing your next corner
Circle left
Swing your partner
Promenade home

    One bit of patter I have heard used for basket swings is something like.

Gents take hands,
Ladies duck under,
Ladies take hands,
Now swing like thunder.


On 6/14/2017 11:50 AM, DAVID HARDING via Callers wrote:
> Also known as "California Fruit Basket," or "Ladies Bow, Gents Bow 
> Under" The signature move is the basket swing. Couple 1 visits first 
> Couple 2, then couple 3, then couple 4. Et cetera.
> http://www.lloydshaw.org/swing-like-thunder.html
>> On June 14, 2017 at 8:21 AM dje h via Callers 
>> <callers at lists.sharedweight.net> wrote:
>> I'm way out in the boonies teaching square dance to a group of 
>> campers, and they asked for a dance called Roll Like Thunder. I did 
>> figure out that it's probably a square called Swing Like Thunder, but 
>> I'm not having much luck tracking down the actual moves. WiFi is 
>> really spotty out here, so I can't watch a video or listen to a 
>> recording. Does anyone have this dance in your collection? Thanks for 
>> any help.
>> Deborah Hyland
>> St Louis

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