[Callers] Calling a Halloween dance tonight? Try this circle mixer...

Amy Cann via Callers callers at lists.sharedweight.net
Sat Oct 29 23:05:53 PDT 2016

Tony, I keep trying to imagine you saying "Braaaaiins" to a bunch of
zombies, and I keep getting a fair amount of cognitive

On Sat, Oct 29, 2016 at 10:16 PM, Tony Parkes <tony at hands4.com> wrote:

> Thank you, Amy! I used it tonight at a wild church party, calling it
> Zombie Escape. This was a record dance, so I used the track of Brisk Young
> Lads that the Canterbury made for CDSS in the 1970s. It’s a jig in A minor
> like Coleraine, so it worked perfectly.
> Tony
> *From:* Callers [mailto:callers-bounces at lists.sharedweight.net] *On
> Behalf Of *Amy Cann via Callers
> *Sent:* Saturday, October 29, 2016 12:54 PM
> *To:* Caller's discussion list <callers at sharedweight.net>;
> pourparler at yahoogroups.com; Lisa Sieverts <lisa at lisasieverts.com>; Don
> Primrose <limerickfarm at gmail.com>; Laurie Indenbaum <lri at sover.net>;
> Carol Compton <carol at bitdance.com>; David Kaynor <davidkaynor at mac.com>;
> Dave Bateman <Dave.Bateman23 at comcast.net>; Tod Whittemore <
> todw at stephensmtg.net>
> *Subject:* [Callers] Calling a Halloween dance tonight? Try this circle
> mixer...
> I try and call the dances of Rich Blazej whenever I can and this one's a
> Halloween favorite, re-done as "Werewolves and Zombies".
> *Garfield's Escape* -- circle of couples PLUS ONE EXTRA in the center
> (Garfield)
> A1  All into the center EIGHT steps and back, menacing the Garfield
> A2  Circle left, circle right
> B1  Women (werewolves) promenade single file to the right, while men
> (zombies) "star" by the right -- each man puts his right hand on right
> shoulder of the man in front - including Garfield.
> B2  Caller hollers "Escape!" ("Boo!", or maybe "Braaaiiins") and all men
> run to the outside and swing with a woman in the outer circle. A new
> Garfield remains in the center.
> Rich himself named this after Garfield the comic-strip cat, way back when
> he was cynical and funny (the cat, not Rich).
> "The single man remaining at the end of the dance is entitled to a pan of
> lasagna and some fresh kitty litter".
> My favorite normal tune for this is the minor jig Coleraine, played at a
> slightly slower lurch-y tempo, but if I'm lucky the band'll do the Alfred
> Hitchcock theme.
> Have fun, just thought I'd share -- and I'd love to hear how it goes if
> you do it, and what variations emerge.
> Cheers,
> Amy
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