[Callers] another new word idea

Erik Hoffman via Callers callers at lists.sharedweight.net
Wed Jan 27 09:26:25 PST 2016

What Michael Fuerst said at a readable size (It's still coming through 
to me in some microscopic font):

 > Are you also contemplating  to abandon the awkward to say "California
 > Twirl"
 > If you use your gypsy alternative for new dancers, will you advise them
 > of all the synonyms being conjured ?

Aha! A whole new topic. Well, actually old. Larry Edelman, one of my 
favorite dance callers, and someone I feel lucky to have spent time 
with, and from whom I have learned so much, use to complain about 
"California Twirl." I don't recall his reasons, but he always called it 
a "Frontier Twirl," which I think he got from old square dance books.

I've been using "right shoulder turn," and "left shoulder turn," and 
mentioning that there's been a discussion on the use of the word Gypsy. 
Then again, somewhere around sixty percent of the time I tend to call a 
"right hand turn," instead of "allemande right," as it's more descriptive.

This, in some ways, gives another reason for using different words: the 
use of descriptive calls. Thus abandoning a non-descriptive call for one 
that is more readily interpreted by all dancers has other benefits than 
just abandoning a word that some--or all--find pejorative .

~erik hoffman
     oakland, ca

On 1/27/2016 7:03 AM, Michael Fuerst via Callers wrote:
> Are you also contemplating  to abandon the awkward to say "California 
> Twirl"
> If you use your gypsy alternative for new dancers, will you advise 
> them of all the synonyms being conjured ?
> Michael Fuerst      802 N Broadway      Urbana IL 61801      217 239 5844

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