[Callers] yet another gypsy substitute (YAGS)

Aahz Maruch via Callers callers at lists.sharedweight.net
Fri Feb 5 12:06:20 PST 2016

On Fri, Feb 05, 2016, Jonathan Sivier via Callers wrote:
> I just had a thought for another possible substitute if we need to
> replace the term "gypsy".  This would be "vis-a-vis" (face to face).  I like
> this since it is in some sense similar to dos-a-dos (back to back) and makes
> them complimentary figures.  I think it suggests the importance of facing
> the person you are dancing with, making eye contact, though not necessarily
> staring, during the figure.  Since many of the figure names in country dance
> come from French words, sometimes corrupted by time and the folk process, it
> seems reasonable to borrow another French term.  I'm not aware of this term
> already being used for some other dance figure, let me know if it is.  Even
> though it has 3 syllables instead of 2 I kind of like the sound of
> "vis-a-vis and swing!"

IMO it sounds too similar to dosado.  Which isn't a big problem given the
similarity of the move, but it's going to cause confusion.
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