[Callers] Advice about "gypsy"

David Smukler via Callers callers at lists.sharedweight.net
Sun Oct 25 09:22:19 PDT 2015

When calling, I’ve struggled with “gypsy,” not because of its unfortunate political reverberations (like Amy, I have used it without intending offense or realizing it might cause offense), but because for me it doesn’t roll trippingly off the tongue — I guess I don’t really like “verbing" nouns. I also completely agree with those who are uncomfortable with caller language that seems to require flirtation. People can and will flirt if they wish to, but it shouldn’t be suggested as a requirement. All this said, there is lots of choreography where I like the figure, and I’ve certainly used it.

In some old square dance calls you sometimes hear “walk around your corner” for a move with similar geography. How about “walk around” as a straightforward, non-loaded alternative?


> From: Amy Wimmer via Callers <callers at lists.sharedweight.net <mailto:callers at lists.sharedweight.net>>
> Date: October 24, 2015 at 3:12:57 AM EDT
> To: callers at sharedweight.net <mailto:callers at sharedweight.net>
> Subject: [Callers] Advice about "gypsy"
> Hello All,
> I taught a dance this evening that included a ladies' gypsy. I received the email below a few minutes ago. In teaching it I wanted to convey that it is a flirty, eye contact sort of move. This person was obviously offended. I am at a loss for how to respond, except to apologize for offending. 
> I'm pretty sure I described the move accurately. I meant absolutely no offense. I didn't make up the name for the move, but don't want to make excuses. Does this move need a new name? How would you respond?
> -Amy
> Seattle
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